Can We Be Objective?


It has been said that people see their own children as preferable to anyone else’s. Might this be true for the photographs that we take too?

I wonder how objective we can be of our own creations? I know for sure that I have an emotional as well as aesthetic connection to my photographs. The process of composing, editing and publishing means an image shared is considered worthy. At the end of the process the chosen ones have a special place in my heart.

Therefore the photographs I publish are always personal. They connect me to an experience, a place, a feeling that I hope to convey. They are highly subjective too, because they only truly hold such emotions for me and me alone.

I am deeply blinded by my personal attachment to them. I often wonder how other people might view them. Whether the images by themselves come close to communicating, on any level, what I hope to share.




6 thoughts on “Can We Be Objective?

  1. I very much enjoy your photos. 🙂 But yes, I think it’s very normal to be biased toward our own work. We take these photos because we like what we’re seeing or it means something deeply personal to us. It’s an innate bias, I think.

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  2. I feel much the same way! My creations are very personal to me. I have over 50 of my framed photos in my house from different shows I’ve been in and enjoy them. If the images I share connect with others it’s a plus. As a photography judge often the images that fail to connect don’t convey what the photographer saw. Great topic and thoughts!

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  3. You make a good point. I think we find it easier to be attached to the photos we take, because they remind us of an experience we have had. I used to offer to show others my photos, but now I wait for them to ask. Stay well. Allan

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